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Our submission guidelines for original science fiction short stories are now up! We will open for submissions on March 15, 2010.


1 Fran B. Giuffre { 03.06.10 at 1:31 pm }

The fact that your site is called “Redstone” means it is going to be one I will be looking at regularly. I saw those rockets at the KSC ten years ago and felt the presence of space history. Good luck with the site. I’ll be back!

2 M.E. Ray { 03.07.10 at 12:22 am }

Thanks, Fran. We live not far from Redstone Arsenal/Marshall Space Flight Center, so the name made perfect sense. We’ll start publishing full issues in June, but we’ll keep updating the site until then.

3 Greg Beatty { 03.11.10 at 8:24 pm }

Congratulations on starting the new publication (and thank you)!

I look forward to seeing what you publish, and, of course, to sending some of my work your way.
All the best,