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Michael (M.E.) Ray – Editor, Co-Publisher, and Web Designer.

He is a speculative fiction writer and an instructor of History and Economics.  He has a B.A. in Political Science & History and has an M.A. in Human Performance Studies. He did post-graduate study in Early Modern Political Thought and completed the Russian Basic Course at the Defense Language Institute. Visit The GateTree.

Paul (P.C.) Clemmons – Publisher, Co-Editor, and CFO.

He is speculative fiction writer and Manager of a Medical Specialty practice. He has a B.S. in Nursing and is involved in Neuroscience Research.

Cassondra Link – Asst. Editor and Graphic Artist.

She read Dangerous Visions, edited by Harlan Ellison, in the fourth grade and has been hooked on Science Fiction ever since. Cassondra has a B.A. in History, a Masters in Public Administration, and was ABD in a Higher Ed. Administration program. She has recently decided to become an elementary school teacher.

Ferlie – Assistant editor.

A Pharmacist who has edited professional trade journals and reference guides.

Mary Ann Locke – Assistant Editor & Slush Reader

She had memorized all her favorite fairy tales by the age of four, so she started making up new ones with smarter princesses and more violence. She studied Communications, with concentrations in Music and Theater, which makes her very qualified for her job at a bookstore. Her editorial credits include The Tower and Clean Sheets.

Contact the Editors by email at editors@redstonesciencefiction.com.