What is Redstone Science Fiction?
It is an online science fiction magazine,
and we are the Editors.
Beginning in June 2010, we will publish quality stories from across the science fiction spectrum, and we will pay authors a professional rate.
We are temporarily closed to submissions.
We will be open to fiction submissions between
June 1st & June 15th.
You can keep up with our progress through our first round of submissions on our Status page, on Facebook, and on Twitter.
In the meantime, check out our Guidelines page and then get a science fiction story ready to submit.
We are interested in original short science fiction of between 750 and 4000 words. We are also interested in reprinting stories that were originally published in print magazines and are not available online.
We are looking forward to creating audio versions of our stories.
We will also have several features, including interviews with people involved in science and science fiction.
We will look back at influences from the Golden Age of science fiction. We’ll examine issues in science fiction today and we will take a look at where the genre is headed.
We will discuss the art of writing and the science of getting one’s work out into the world.
Most importantly, we want everyone interested in science fiction to find something here that they will enjoy.
Thanks for dropping by. We hope to see you again.