Redstone Countdown
Welcome to Redstone Science Fiction. We are counting down to our online magazine’s first issue. It will be published on June 1st.
We are excited to announce that our first issue will feature a story by Daniel Powell, who has had several speculative fiction stories published. When not writing excellent stories, he teaches writing at a college in Northeast Florida. Daniel has an essay in the latest issue of World Literature Today that examines issues from his story with us. Find out more about Daniel at his blog, The Byproduct.
We will also publish a story by Peter Roberts. Over the past 30 years, Peter has had poems and stories published in Asimov’s, Star*Line, Nature, Astropoetica, Ars Medica, Abyss & Apex, and numerous other literary magazines. You can find links to Peter’s work at his webpage.
Editors Update: The names and links of all the authors from whom we have accepted fiction: Christopher Miller, Ahmed A. Khan, Rahul Kanakia, Gray Rinehart, Rhiannon Held, Desmond Warzel (I love this story he published at Abyss & Apex), Adam Colston, and Rob Pritchard. We are looking forward to more.
We have several non-fiction articles scheduled for our first issue:
We are looking forward to an essay by Sarah Einstein. She has recently been named a 2011 Pushcart Prize winner for her creative non-fiction piece, ‘Mot’, published in Ninth Letter. She is a writing instructor at West Virginia University.
We will also publish an essay by Henry Cribbs. He is an English instructor in Oklahoma and, until recently, he taught at the University of South Carolina. He has published several journal articles while doing graduate study in Philosophy, Neuroscience, Psychology, and Creative Writing. Henry has a forthcoming essay in an anthology on Philosophy and Dr. Seuss.
Our editors will also add a handful of pieces, including an interview with Joel Hardy, an engineer, who is a Payload Rack Officer (PRO) with the International Space Station. Joel works at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight located on Redstone Arsenal.
We’ll also get a chance to talk with popular online comic artist Kittyhawk, who did the outstanding cover art for our first issue.
If you are interested in submitting a story for a future issue, take a look at our Publishing Guidelines. We will open for submissions June 1st and remain open until June 15th. We expect to be open the 1st through the 15th for each month this summer.
We are excited at how well things have gone in the countdown to our June 1st launch. We’ve gotten so much encouragement and assistance from our friends & family, and we cannot thank them all enough. See you on the 1st of June.