Editor’s Note – July 2012
Two awesome stories this month.
Vylar Kaftan returns to Redstone SF with a vengeance, attacking us with the question, “What happens when sentient body armor forgets there’s a human inside?” Her story, Skin Deep, grabs a hold of you and does not let go. We loved her first story in Redstone, Witness in RSF #5, and felt strongly that it merited award-season recognition. We’re excited to bring you a second outstanding story from Vy.
Mary E. Lowd’s story for us this month, We Can Remember It For You Retail, is a perfect example of how a writer can take a traditional story idea, a couple talking in a diner, and transform it into an excellent science fiction story that considers the impact ubiquitous computing and communication in the near future and how it could affect us. (And who doesn’t love a PKD reference?) She is another newer writer that we are pleased to share with you. I think this one moves her into full-SFWA status, which we were pleased to learn. Well-deserved.
We have additional non-fiction lined up for this month and will share it with you as this scorching July moves on.
We have added Sarah Einstein’s excellent essay – Common Mistakes from Past Contest Entries: Things to Avoid – which does a terrific job of isolating correctable mistakes she has seen in her three years as Guest Editor of our summer contests. If you are a science fiction writer, this one is right up your alley.
We encourage all of our potential authors to send us a story for our Show Us A Better Way contest, which will remain open until August 15th.
We feel certain you will enjoy these excellent stories.
Your friend,
Michael Ray
Redstone SF
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